An Introduction to Geology: 5

METAMORPHIC ROCKS A pdf of the lecture slides – 2013_IntroGeol_Lect5_meta Types, grades and facies of metamorphism (a guide by the British Geological Survey). Classification of metamorphic rocks (from Kentucky University) A list of metamorphic mineral types (from UC Santa Barbara) Metamorphic minerals (National Museum of Wales guide) An atlas of metamorphic minerals in thin section (from Oxford University) Barrovian metamorphism...

An Introduction to Geology: 1 (updated)

BEGINNINGS Lecture 1 handouts: 2014_IntroGeol_Lect1_SML (PowerPoint) 2014_IntroGeol_Lect1_SML (PDF) Useful links: James Hutton: Founder of Modern Geology (American Museum of Natural History article) Neptunism vs Plutonism (a Scientific American article) Charles Lyell and uniformitarianism (University of California Berkeley article) Darwin the geologist (Darwin correspondence project) How to use zircons to trace the earliest rocks on Earth (AMNH article) The Oldest Rock...

An Introduction To Fossils

To download the slides for my University of York Lifelong Learning class on fossils, click the following links: 2013_IntroFossils_pt1 2013_IntroFossils_pt2 For further information on fossils, the following websites are useful: Natural History Museum, London – fossils Natural History Museum, London – fossils of Britain Oxford University Museum – identifying invertebrate fossils BBC Nature – fossils British Geological Survey – Fossil...