Powered By Rock – Week 8

REVIEWING THE OPTIONS Lecture notes – 2014_PoweredbyRock_lect8_summary_SML (PowerPoint) An Excel spreadsheet showing the full list of UK power stations (location, type, capacity) from the DUKES website. Energy predictability Every year, the International Energy Agency gives an overview of the World Energy Outlook. The 2013 edition can be found here. However, according to Energy Post, the IEA World Energy Outlook consistently...

Powered By Rock – Week 6

THE POWER OF WATER Lecture notes – 2014_PoweredbyRock_lect6_hydro_SML (PowerPoint). Harnessing hydroelectric power (DECC website information). Micro-scale run-of-river projects “take off in the UK” (news article from 2011). Cruachan Scotland’s power mountain (article on The Register). The Hollow Mountain (information film from 1966). Visit Cruachan (official website). Cruachan site (Scottish Power summary). Dinorwig, North Wales The Electric Mountain (official website) Glendoe,...

Powered by Rock – Week 5

GEOTHERMAL Lecture notes (as a pdf) – 2014_PoweredbyRock_lect5_geotherm Lecture notes (as a PowerPoint file) – 2014_PoweredbyRock_lect5_geotherm_SML (With sincere thanks to Dr Charlotte Adams of BritGeothermal, Durham University, for providing much of the information) US Geothermal energy (from US Energy Information Administration) Geothermal Technologies Office, US Dept of Energy. Geothermal energy (British Geological Survey) The BritGeothermal project (BGS, Glasgow, Durham, Newcastle)...

Powered by Rock – Week 4

NUCLEAR Lecture notes (PowerPoint) – 2014_PoweredbyRock_lect4_nuclear_SML What is uranium and how does it provide energy? (World Nuclear Association) The geology of uranium (World Nuclear Association) Uranium in a nutshell (About.com) Did the Fukushima accident cause increased thyroid cancer in children? (article in the Guardian, Mar. 2014) Radioactive waste management in the UK (Nuclear Decommissioning Authority) Sellafield geological storage site selection...