An Introduction to Geology: 8
Fossils & Palaeontology

Lecture slides: 2013_IntroGeol_fossils_Lect8 (pdf) or 2013_IntroGeol_fossils_Lect8_SML (ppt)
3D Fossils (new project led by the British Geological Survey)
British Fossils (book by Peter Doyle)
St Hilda’s ammonite, Hildoceras bifrons (NHM website)
The Palaeontological Association (UK-based organization promoting palaeontological science)
Palaeontology Online (articles about the cutting edge of fossil research, written by palaeontologists)
Palaeocast (Palaeontology podcasts and photos on a wide variety of topics)
Fossil evidence of early life: Oldest_fossil_evidence_PaleoSoc (a short guide by the Paleontological Society)
The fossil record of cyanobacteria (UCMP website)
The earliest evidence of life ( article). If you want the full scientific version, it can be found here: 3.48 billion year-old microbially induced sedimentary structures.