Powered by Rock – Week 1
Earth’s Energy Systems – Introduction
(updated Thurs. Jan 23rd)
Lecture slides from Week 1:
2014_PoweredbyRock_lect1_intro (PowerPoint file)
2014_PoweredbyRock_lect1_intro (PDF)
Generally useful online energy resources:
Prof. David MacKay’s book ‘Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air’ can be downloaded free from his website here.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) website can be found here.
The UK Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) website is here. Its DUKES (Digest of UK Energy Statistics) is particularly useful, and can be found here.
Gridwatch (live data of UK National Grid power sources) can be found here.
The British Geological Survey (BGS) website has lots of energy information here. Various free publications are provided courtesy of the NERC Open Research Archive (NORA) which can be found here.
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) Energy Resources Program also provides lots of data. It can be found here.
The World Health Organization (WHO) provides significant information on the health impacts of different fuel sources, in its Fuel For Life publication. It can be found here.
Durham University also provides some information via the CeREES Geoenergy website here, and the Durham Energy Institute website here.