Trilobites: an introduction

Last modified date

This page provides resources for the Hidden University class ‘Trilobites: an introduction’ run by Dr Liam Herringshaw of Hidden Horizons.

Trilobites – well-worth a closer look (handmade replica of Asaphus cornutus, Ordovician, Russia, made by GeoEd Ltd at The Fossil Shop, Scarborough, UK)

The trilobites handout (including the specimen list) can be downloaded here

Online examples of some of the specimens can be found below:

Acaste downingiae (Lapworth Museum of Geology)

Asaphus cornutus (Virtual Fossil Museum)

Calymene blumenbachii (Lapworth Museum of Geology)

Cybantyx anaglyptos (GB-3D Type Fossils)

Cybeloides girvanensis (Scottish Journal of Geology)

Cyphaspis ceratophthalma (

Geragnostus callavei (GB-3D Type Fossils)

The slides for the second online class can be downloaded as a PowerPoint file here:

And as a pdf here:

The slides for the first online class can be downloaded as a PowerPoint file here:

And as a pdf here:

Earth scientist in York, fossilist across Yorkshire. Co-director of the Yorkshire Fossil Festival and palaeontologist for hire. Can be found twittering, facebooking, and instagramming as @fossiliam.
