My ’22 Top Ten – 8. Yorkshire Fossil Festival

At some point I should probably write a proper blogpost about how marvellous the 2022 Yorkshire Fossil Festival, which I organized in Scarborough over the weekend of September 16th to 18th, was. Now is not that point.
Instead, I will refer you to the image above; the fact that we won an award for excellence in geological education from the Geologists’ Association; and the following messages posted on the website now owned by Melon Usk:
Christine Rostron (Scarborough Museums & Galleries)
Chris Jarvis (Oxford University Museum of Natural History)
Meghan Jenkinson (University of Leeds)
Dr Katie Strang (Scottish Geology Trust, our 2022 William Smith lecturer)
Prof Chris Jackson (our 2022 Sue & Pete Rawson lecturer)
Vicki Glover (dinosaur wrangler for Rentadinosaur)
Dr Rebecca Williams, volcanologist
So, if you missed out this year, make sure you keep the weekend of June 10th & 11th free, and get yourself to Whitby for the 2023 Yorkshire Fossil Festival!