The Bold Earth-Art Cleveland Heritage Project

Ammonites drawn by the 17th Century polymath Robert Hooke

This autumn, thanks to funding from the UK Science Festivals Network ‘Making Connections‘ scheme, The Rock Showman and Fossiliam are leading BEACH: The Bold Earth-Art Cleveland Heritage Project. Through a series of free events, the BEACH aims to bring together local communities, researchers and artists to explore the amazing Earth history of Redcar & Cleveland.

If you’re based in Redcar & Cleveland, and are interested in getting involved, please sign up to any of our upcoming events, all of which are free:

Tuesday October 17th, Redcar, 11am to 2pm

The BEACH at Redcar Palace. Book your tickets here.

Saturday October 28th, Redcar, 11am to 2pm

The BEACH at Redcar Palace. Book your tickets here.

Tuesday October 31st, Skinningrove

Fossil Safari, Skinningrove Beach, 10.00-11.30. Book your tickets here.

The BEACH at the Land of Iron, 1pm to 3pm. Book your tickets here.

Saturday November 11th, Skinningrove

Fossil Safari and The BEACH at the Land of Iron. Ticket links coming soon.

Monday November 27th, Kirkleatham, Redcar

The BEACH Finale at Kirkleatham Museum. Ticket link coming soon.

Earth scientist in York, fossilist across Yorkshire. Co-director of the Yorkshire Fossil Festival and palaeontologist for hire. Can be found twittering, facebooking, and instagramming as @fossiliam.
