Geology of York

The slides from my Lifelong Learning class on the Geology of York can be downloaded as a PowerPoint file (Geology_of_York) or a PDF (Geology_of_York).
The paper by Hall et al. (2010) on the glacial and post-glacial geology of the Vale of York can be downloaded here.
The History of York website gives a brief summary of the prehistory of the city.
Sources of Building Material in Roman York (Gaunt & Buckland 2002) can be downloaded here.
The London Pavement Geology website, run by Dr Ruth Siddall, which includes York building stone sites, can be found here.
A biography of Martin Lister on the Yorkshire Philosophical Society website can be read here.
3D Geology of York – the British Geological Survey has produced a 3D model of the geology beneath York, which can be downloaded here.